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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Hướng dẫn cách setup phần mềm Pidgin cho Subiz, yahoo, skype ..

If you using Windows, we recommend using Subiz with Pidgin, a free instant messenger program. You can get set up in minutes with ease.


Step by step guide

Step 1: Launch Pidgin

Step 2: Add Account into Pidgin

Enter the Pidgin 'Add Account' dialog.
If this is your first time running Pidgin you can do this from the welcome screen.

This dialog can also be found in the Pidgin 'Accounts' menu option.
Just select 'add' from the Pidgin 'Accounts' menu.

Step 3: Enter your Subiz credentials 

Protocol: XMPP
Username: with your Subiz username
Password: with your Subiz password

Click Add when you are done.

Step 4: Enable/Disable Account in Pidgin

You can enable (disable) account using the 'Accounts' menu option under 'Enable Account'

Congratulations! You're now ready to connect to Subiz using Pidgin
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